swagger中@ApiModelProperty中example属性对List的支持 您所在的位置:网站首页 example 意思 swagger中@ApiModelProperty中example属性对List的支持


#swagger中@ApiModelProperty中example属性对List的支持| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

swagger中@ApiModelProperty注解example使用问题 example属性默认是String的, 对应List的支持不好 @ApiModelProperty(position = 2, example = "PRD1, PRD2, PRD3") // This generates -> "productIdentifiers": "PRD1, PRD2, PRD3" // Its not json array @ApiModelProperty(position = 2, example = "[\"PRD1\", \"PRD2\", \"PRD3\"]") // This generates -> "productIdentifiers": "[\"PRD1\", \"PRD2\", \"PRD3\"]" // Its too not json array @ApiModelProperty(position = 2, dataType="List", example = "PRD1, PRD2, PRD3") private List productIdentifiers; //This generates -> `"productIdentifiers": "PRD1, PRD2, PRD3"` @ApiModelProperty(position = 2, dataType="java.util.List", example = "PRD1, PRD2, PRD3") // This generates -> "productIdentifiers": "PRD1, PRD2, PRD3" @ApiModelProperty(position = 2, dataType="String[]", example = "PRD1, PRD2, PRD3") // This generates -> "productIdentifiers": "PRD1, PRD2, PRD3" 依赖版本 io.springfox springfox-swagger2 2.7.0 暂时还没有适配

TLDR: One of the contributers on Swagger-API has worked on this functionality to add this in version 3.0.0 but it's not sure yet when this will be released. For now it stands on the feature/3.0.0-rc2 branch at the Swagger-API GitHub

I've been working with Swagger for almost two months now and as our project progressed issues like this showed up. Now I did some research and read on the GitHub pages for the Swagger-API that this feature simply doesn't work (yet).

As described here and [here would be an other link but my reputation is not high enough to post more than 2 links] this feature has been requested several times since August 2015 with not much luck.

Now on this issue on the Swagger-API github, one of the contributors commented:

This takes a major refactoring of the models, which is on the way. 3 March 2017

which lead to a later comment:

Will be supported in 3.0.0 support, please see the feature/3.0.0-rc2 branch for details. 27 June 2017

And on 9 August 2017 someone asked when the release of version 3.0.0 would be with no further response.

So in conclusion, support for examples for arrays/Lists has been worked on and should be available in version 3.0.0 but no more news on when that would be released.

取巧的解决方法 # 此方法只能显示一个 public class MajorNutrientElements { @ApiModelProperty(name = "majorName", value = "食材名称", example = "西红柿", required = true) private String majorName; @ApiModelProperty(name = "nutrientElements", value = "食材对应的营养元素", allowableValues = "维生素E", required = true) private List nutrientElements; } swagger中显示 { "majorName": "西红柿", "nutrientElements": [ "维生素E" ] } 如果不写example和allowableValues, 如下展示 { "majorName": "西红柿", "nutrientElements": [ "string" ] }

未验证,据说可以解决的 @ApiModelProperty(value = "Address", name = "addLines", dataType = "List", example = "[AddLine1,AddLine2,AddLine3,AddLine4]") 渲染出来: "addLines": [ "AddLine1", "AddLine2", "AddLine3", "AddLine4" ] io.springfox springfox-swagger2 2.9.2 io.springfox springfox-swagger-ui 2.9.2 io.springfox springfox-bean-validators 2.9.2 站在巨人肩膀上摘苹果









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